SFS Forum Rules REVISED: Please be sure to this read before posting! |
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03-24-2010, 11:50 AM | #1 |
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SFS Forum Rules
Welcome to The South Florida Stangs Forums!
Overview and Legal Stuff: We believe that the majority of SouthFloridaStangs.net's users are mature and self-guiding enough that these rules will fall into the category of common sense. Unfortunately there sometimes arise incidents when it is helpful to be able to refer to a set of written guidelines for what is considered "acceptable behavior". SouthFloridaStangs.net is a family friendly website. PLEASE do not use foul, abusive, vulgar or s3xually explict language anywhere on this website. SouthFloridaStangs.net and its staff (Admins, Mods, etc.) are not responsible for what anyone uploads, posts, says or writes within the confines of SouthFloridaStangs.net. SouthFloridaStangs.net is not responsible for the actions or the statements of others either here on this website, in public or elsewhere. SouthFloridaStangs.net is not the place to cause or attempt to settle any dispute. Disputes and the resulting drama will be removed from this website and the parties involved may have their user access locked at our descretion without notice. Please do not post private and/or sensitive information on SouthFloridaStangs.net. Remember, this is the internet so please do not post your (or anyone elses) phone number, home address, email address or any other personal information (including banking, credit card or any other type of personal, private or sensitive information). By registering and using the SouthFloridaStangs.net website and forums you indicate that you are over 13 years of age and accept all of these rules and agree to follow them. You also understand that these rules are enforced. The SouthFloridaStangs.net staff will edit the content (threads, posts, polls, avatars, user titles, signatures, etc. Everything, you get the point) of this website without notice. For dissenter, non-conformist or anarchist types out there: If you happen to disagree with these rules, or you are disruptive, rude, etc. - Please keep in mind that you are a guest here. You do not own this website nor do you have a God-given right to be here. Using this forum is a privilege, not a right. You do not have any guarantee of free speech and you can and will be kicked to the curb if your behavior is disruptive. This is SouthFloridaStangs.net's house and you either play by SouthFloridaStangs.net's rules or you find another place to be. If you have something spiteful or negative to say, keep it to yourself. If you would like to discuss something click HERE to Contact Us. The word of the Administrator and Moderators is final on any subject. If you have a question about or disagree with the way something was handled by a Moderator, take it up with them in private. Do not debate them in public and disrupt the forums. Furthermore, any use of this site is governed by South Florida Stangs Terms and Conditions of Use which contains SFS's privacy policy and other important information about your user account and your access to this website. Please be kind, courteous, respectful and helpful to others. Enjoy yourself and your stay. -The SFS Moderators and Administrators The SFS Forum Rules: These rules have become necessary to keep the forums as friendly and fair as possible for everyone. Just to remind you again, by using the SFS forums you agree to these rules. "Ignorance" of our forum rules is not acceptable defense or reason for anyone to cry victim. If you have a constructive suggestion to add or edit these rules, please click HERE to Contact Us. 1.) When starting a new thread:
South Florida Stangs reserves the right to add, modify, or remove any of these rules at any time. Rule changes apply to past, current and future posts. Last edited by SouthFloridaStangs; 07-21-2012 at 11:54 AM.. Reason: updated forum rules |
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South Florida Stangs
Wild and free since 2003!
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: SouthFloridaStangs.net
Age: 23
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